Amazon Automation Services

We specialize in providing automated services for Amazon sellers.

Late Shipment

Why risk late shipment?
Our platform finds out which orders are due to ship each day and notifies you on deadline day in case you forget.

Order Tracking Examination

Our platform will track your shipments daily and check if it's stuck, lost or have any issues and notify you.
It will also find out if it will arrive after agreed latest delivery date and notify you so you can take appropriate action before getting a negative feedback.

Tracking Notifications

Create notifications tracking numbers. You'll get a notififaction when it has shipped, is in transit or delivered.
Tired of tracking returns or replacements manually? Now you can get a notification and take approppiate actions.

Supplier Inventory Automation

We'll make sure updated inventory files/e-mails you receive from your supplier automatically updates your inventory on Amazon daily.
This will decrease backorders and out of stock issues, resulting in less negative feedback.

Feedback Notification

Get notified when there's a negative feedback so you can quickly resolve the issue with customer directly.

More Services

Business Strategy

Business Marketing

Business Profit

Fast & Reliable

Business Security

Full Customization